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Michael Zucchi

 B.E. (Comp. Sys. Eng.)

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Wednesday, 11 September 2013, 00:14

up/down sampling

One part of a window-based object detector is scaling the input to different resolutions before running the window across it (one can also scale the window, but this is not efficient on modern cpus).

So i've been looking at up/down resampling in little bits here and there over the last few days.

To cut a long story short, after coming up with a fairly complex but pretty good (i think) implementation of a one-pass 1/N and 2/N 2-D 'up-sample/down-sample' scaling filter ... I found that using a simple 1/N box filter is more than good enough for the application - and about 2x faster. Should NEONise pretty easily too.

The up/down filter may well be useful for other purposes though and I did learn more about up/down filters in general which is something i've been meaning to do. Maybe at some point i'll write about both.

I was only looking at implementing this for ARM but the algorithm I came up with should fit epiphany quite well - so at some point I will look deeper into it. Epiphany does offer other more exotic options mind you.

Tagged hacking, parallella.
Friday, 06 September 2013, 12:23

Scheduling in detail

Just some notes on optimising the assembly language version of the viola-jones cascade walker I've been working on for the eiphany chip.

I'm still working toward a tech demo but I got bogged down with the details of the resampling code - i'm using the opportunity to finally grok how upfirdn works.

Excuse the typos, i did this in a bit of a rush and don't feel like fully proof-reading it.

The algorithm

First the data structure. This allows the cascade to be encoded using dword (64-bit) alignment. It's broken into 64-bit elements for C compatability.

union drecord {
        unsigned long long v;
        struct {
                unsigned int flags;
                float sthreshold;
        } head0;
        struct {
                unsigned int count2;
                unsigned int count3;
        } head1;
        struct {
                unsigned short a,b,c,d;
        } rect;
        struct {
                float weight1;
                float fthreshold;
        } f0;
        struct {
                float fsucc,ffail;
        } f1;

And then a C implementation using this data structure. The summed-area-table (sat) sum calculates the average of all pixels within that rectangle. The sat table size is hard-coded to a specific width and encoded into the compiled cascade. Because it is only ever processed as part of a window of a known size this doesn't limit it's generality.

It performs a feature test on a 2-region feature which equates to either a "this half is brighter than the other half" test in all 4 directions, or a "the middle half is brighter than the two quarter sides" in both directions and senses.

// Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Zucchi
// Licensed under GNU GPLv3
int test_cascade(float *sat, float var, const union drecord *p, float *ssump) {
        union drecord h0;
        union drecord h1;
        float ssum = *ssump;

        do {
                h0 = (*p++);
                h1 = (*p++);

                while (h1.head1.count2) {
                        union drecord r0, r1, f0, f1;
                        float rsum;

                        r0 = (*p++);
                        r1 = (*p++);
                        f0 = (*p++);
                        f1 = (*p++);

                        rsum = (sat[r0.rect.a] + sat[r0.rect.d]
                                - sat[r0.rect.b] - sat[r0.rect.c]) * -0.0025f;
                        rsum += (sat[r1.rect.a] + sat[r1.rect.d]
                                 - sat[r1.rect.b] - sat[r1.rect.c]) * f0.f0.weight1;

                        ssum += rsum < f0.f0.fthreshold * var ? f1.f1.fsucc : f1.f1.ffail;

                ... 3-feature test is much the same ...

                if (h0.head0.flags & 1) {
                        if (ssum < h0.head0.sthreshold) {
                                return 0;
                        ssum = 0;
        } while ((h0.head0.flags & 2) == 0);

        *ssump = ssum;

        // keep on going
        return 1;

As one can see the actual algorithm is really very simple. The problem with making it run fast is dealing with the amount of data that it can chew through as i've mentioned and detailed in previous posts.

I don't have any timings but this should be a particularly fast implementation on an desktop cpu too - most of the heavy lifting fits in the L1 cache for example, and it's pre-compling as much as possible.

Hardware specific optimisations

This covers a couple of optimisations made to take advantage of the instruction set.

First issue is that there is no comparison operation - all one can do is subtract and compare flags. Furthermore there are only limited comparison operators available - equal, less-than and less-than-or-equal. So in general a compare is at least 2 instructions (and more if you want to be ieee compliant but that isn't needed here).

On the other hand there are fmad and fmsub instructions - AND these set the flags. So it is possible to perform all three operations in one instruction given that we don't need to know the precise value.

Another feature of the epu is that the floating point and integer flags are separate so this can be utilised to fill instruction slots and also perform control flow without affecting the flags.

The epu is most efficient when performing dword loads. It's the same speed as a word load, and faster than a short or byte load. So the format is designed to support all dword loads.

Another general optimisation is in pre-compiling the cascade for the problem. So far i'm only using it to pre-calculate the array offsets but it could also be used to alter the sign of calculations to suit the available fpu flags.

Update: Because the eiphipany LDS is so small another optimisation was to make the cascade streamable. Although the single biggest stage with the test cascade fits in 8k it is pretty tight and limits the code flexbility and tuning options (e.g. trade-off space and time). It also limits generality - other cascades may not have the same topology. So the cascade format is designed so it can be broken at completely arbitrary boundary points with very little overhead - this is probably the single most important bit of engineering in the whole exercise and determines everything else. The difficulty isn't so much in designing the format as in recognising the need for it and it's requirements in the first place. Having a streamable cascade adds a great deal of flexibility for dealing with large structures - they can be cached easily and implementing read-ahead is trivial.

There were some other basic optimisation techniques which became available after studying the actual data:

Some of these seem to lose the generality of the routine - but actually the weights are always the same relationship they are just scaled to the size of the native cascade window. So making the algorithm general would not take much effort.

These are things I missed when I worked on my OpenCL version so I think I could improve that further too. But trying to utilise the concurrency and dealing with the cascade size is what kills the GPU performance so it might not help much as it isn't ALU constrained at all. If I ever get a GCN APU I will definitely revisit it though.

Unscheduled ASM

After a (good) few days worth hacking blind and lots of swearing I finally came up with the basic code below. I was dreaming in register loads ...

Actually this was de-scheduled in order to try to follow it and re-schedule it more efficiently. This is the top part of the C code and the entire 2-region loop.

// Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Zucchi
// Licensed under GNU GPLv3

0:      ldrd    r18,[r7,#1]     ; count2, count3
        ldr     r16,[r7],#4     ; flags

        and     r0,r18,r5       ; check zer0 count
        beq     1f

2:      ldrd    r0,[r7],#4      ; 0: load a,b,c,d
        ldrd    r2,[r7,#-3]     ; 1: load a,b,c,d

        lsr     r4,r0,#16       ; 0:b index
        ldr     r21,[r6,r4]     ; 0:load b
        and     r0,r0,r5        ; 0:a index
        ldr     r20,[r6,r0]     ; 0:load a

        lsr     r4,r1,#16       ; 0: d index    
        ldr     r23,[r6,r4]     ; 0: load d
        and     r1,r1,r5        ; 0: c indec
        ldr     r22,[r6,r1]     ; 0: load c

        lsr     r4,r2,#16       ; 1: b index
        ldr     r25,[r6,r4]     ; 1: load b
        and     r2,r2,r5        ; 1: a index
        ldr     r24,[r6,r2]     ; 1: load a
        lsr     r4,r3,#16       ; 1: d iindex
        ldr     r27,[r6,r4]     ; 1: load d
        and     r3,r3,r5        ; 1: c index
        ldr     r26,[r6,r3]     ; 1: load c

        ldrd    r50,[r7,#-2]    ; load w1, rthreshold
        fsub    r44,r20,r21     ; 0: a-b
        fsub    r45,r23,r22     ; 0: d-c
        fsub    r46,r24,r25     ; 1: a-b 
        fsub    r47,r27,r26     ; 1: d-c
        fmul    r48,r51,r60     ; rthreshold *= var
        fadd    r44,r44,r45     ; 0[-1]: a+d-b-c
        fadd    r45,r46,r47     ; 1[-1]: a+d-b-c
        fmsub   r48,r44,r63     ; [-1]: var * thr -= (a+d-b-c) * w0
        ldrd    r52,[r7,#-1]    ; [-1] load fsucc, ffail
        fmsub   r48,r45,r50     ; [-1] var * thr -= (a+d-b-c) * w1
        movblte r52,r53
        fsub    r17,r17,r52     ; [-2]: ssum -= var * thr > (rsum) ? fsucc: ffail

        sub     r18,r18,#1
        bne     2b

Apart from the trick with the implicit 'free' comparison operations for all that it pretty much ended up in a direct translation of the C code (much of the effort was in the format design and getting the code to run). But even in this state it will execute much faster than what the compiler generates for the very simple loop above. Things the C compiler is missing:

Because there are no datatypes in asm, this can take advantage of the fact that the array lookups are by the byte and pre-calculate the shift (multiply by sizeof(float)) in the cascade. In the C version I do not as it adds a shift for a float array reference - I do have a way to remove that in C but it's a big ugly.

Otherwise - it's all very straightforward in the inner loop.

First it loads all the rect definitions and then looks them up in the sat table (r6).

Then it starts the calculations, first calculating the average and then using fmsub to perform the multiply by the weight and comparison operation in one.

At the very end of the loop the last flop is to perform a subtraction on the ssum - this sets the status flags to the final comparison (if (ssum < h0.head0.sthreshold) in c). This actually requires some negation in code that uses it which could be improved - the threshold could be negated in the cascade for example.

If one looks closely one will see that the registers keep going up even though many are out of scope and can be re-used. This is done on purpose and allows for the next trick ...

I don't have the full profiling info for this version, but I have a note that it includes 15 RA stalls, and I think from memory only dual-issues 2 of the 10 flops.


A typical optimisation technique is to unroll a loop, either manually or by letting the compiler do it. Apart from reducing the relative overhead of any loop support constructs it provides modern processors with more flexibility to schedule instructions.

The code already has some loop unrolling anyway - the two regions are tested using in-line code rather than in a loop.

But unrolling gets messy when you don't know the the loop bounds or don't have some other hard detail such as that there is always an even number of loops. I didn't really want to try to look at pages of code and try to schedule by hand either ...

So instead I interleaved the same loop - as one progresses through the loop calculating the addresses needed for "this" result, the fpu is performing the calculations for the "last" result. You still need a prologue which sets up the first loop for whatever the result+1 code is expecting, and also an epilogue for the final result - and if only 1 value is processed the guts is completely bypassed. I'll only show the guts here ...

// Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Zucchi
// Licensed under GNU GPLv3

        .balign 8
[  0]   fsub    r46,r24,r25     ; [-1] 1: a-b 
[  0]   ldrd    r0,[r7],#4      ; [ 0] 0: load a,b,c,d
[  1]   fsub    r47,r27,r26     ; [-1] 1: d-c
[  1]   ldrd    r2,[r7,#-3]     ; [ 0] 1: load a,b,c,d
[  2]   fmul    r48,r51,r60     ; [-1] rthreshold *= var
[  2]   lsr     r4,r0,#16       ; [ 0] 0:b index
[  3]   fadd    r44,r44,r45     ; [-1] 0: a+d-b-c
[  3]   ldr     r21,[r6,r4]     ; [ 0] 0:load b
[  4]   and     r0,r0,r5        ; [ 0] 0:a index
[  5]   ldr     r20,[r6,r0]     ; [ 0] 0:load a

[  6]   lsr     r4,r1,#16       ; [ 0] 0: d index    
[  6]   fadd    r45,r46,r47     ; [-1] 1: a+d-b-c
[  7]   ldr     r23,[r6,r4]     ; [ 0] 0: load d
[  8]   and     r1,r1,r5        ; [ 0] 0: c indec
[  8]   fmsub   r48,r44,r63     ; [-1] var * thr -= (a+d-b-c) * w0
[  9]   ldr     r22,[r6,r1]     ; [ 0] 0: load c
[ 10]   lsr     r4,r2,#16       ; [ 0] 1: b index
[ 11]   ldr     r25,[r6,r4]     ; [ 0] 1: load b
[ 12]   and     r2,r2,r5        ; [ 0] 1: a index
[ 13]   ldr     r24,[r6,r2]     ; [ 0] 1: load a

[ 13]   fmsub   r48,r45,r50     ; [-1] var * thr -= (a+d-b-c) * w1

[ 14]   ldrd    r52,[r7,#-5]    ; [-1] load fsucc, ffail
[ 15]   lsr     r4,r3,#16       ; [ 0] 1: d iindex
[ 16]   and     r3,r3,r5        ; [ 0] 1: c index
[ 17]   ldr     r27,[r6,r4]     ; [ 0] 1: load d
[ 18]   movblte r52,r53         ; [-1] val = var * thr < rsum ? fsucc : ffail
[ 19]   fsub    r44,r20,r21     ; [ 0] 0: a-b
[ 19]   ldr     r26,[r6,r3]     ; [ 0] 1: load c
[ 20]   fsub    r45,r23,r22     ; [ 0] 0: d-c

[ 20]   sub     r18,r18,#1
[ 21]   ldrd    r50,[r7,#-2]    ; [-1] load w1, rthreshold

[ 21]   fsub    r17,r17,r52     ; [-1] ssum -= var * thr > (rsum) ? fsucc: ffail

[ 22]   bne     2b
[ 26] ; if back to the start of the loop

Update: I tried to improve and fix the annotations in the comments. The [xx] value is the index of the result this instruction is working on, the next x: value is the index of the region being worked on (where it is needed).

I've attempted to show the clock cycles the instructions start on (+ 4 for the branch), but it's only rough. I know from the hardware profiling that every flop dual-issues and there are no register stalls. The loop start alignment is also critical to the lack of stalls. And it took a lot of guess-work to remove the final stall which lingered in the last 5 instructions (someone'll probably tell me now that the sdk has a cycle timer, but that would be no matter if they did).

It almost fell out almost completely symmetrically - that is having all ialu ops in loop 0 and having all flops in loop 1, but by rotating the flops around a bit I managed to get the final flop being the ssum "subtraction + comparison" operation and with no stalls ...

The movblte instruction which performs the ternary is the one that uses the implicit comparison result from the fmsub earlier. Not only does this save one instruction, it also saves the 5 clock cycle latency it would add - and this loop has no cycles to spare that I could find.

There is some more timing info for this one on the previous post. The version that this is 30% faster is not the unscheduled one above but an earlier scheduling attempt.

Oh I should probably mention that i found the bugs and the timings in the previous post did change a bit for the worse, but not significantly.

Tagged code, hacking, parallella.
Wednesday, 04 September 2013, 12:30

That scheduling ...

Had some other stuff I had to poke at the last couple of nights, and I needed a bit of a rest anyway. Pretty stuffed tbh, but i want to drop this off to get it out of my head.

Tonight I finally got my re-scheduled inner loop to work. Because i'm crap at keeping it all in my head I basically made a good guess and then ran it on the hardware using the profiling counters and tweaked until it stopped improving (actually until i removed all RA stalls and had every FLOP a dual-issue). Although it looks like now it's running for realz one of the dual-issue's dropped out - depends on things like alignment and memory contention.

But the results so far ...

       Previous "best" scheduling       New "improved" scheduling

                   CLK = 518683470 (1.3x)           CLK = 403422245
             IALU_INST = 319357570            IALU_INST = 312638579
              FPU_INST = 118591312             FPU_INST = 118591312
             DUAL_INST = 74766734  (63% rate) DUAL_INST = 108870170    (92% rate)
             E1_STALLS = 11835823             E1_STALLS = 12446143
             RA_STALLS = 122796060 (2.6x)     RA_STALLS = 47086269
      EXT_FETCH_STALLS = 0             EXT_FETCH_STALLS = 0
       EXT_LOAD_STALLS = 1692412        EXT_LOAD_STALLS = 1819284

The 2-region loop is 33 instructions including the branch, so even a single cycle improvement is measurable.

I haven't yet re-scheduled the '3-region' calculation yet so it can gain a bit more. But as can be seen from the instruction counts the gain is purely from just rescheduling. The IALU instruction count is different as i improved the loop mechanics too (all of one instruction?).

As a quick comparison this is what the C compiler comes up with (-O2). I'm getting some different results to this at the moment so the comparison here are only provisonal ...

                   CLK = 1189866322 (2.9x vs improved)
             IALU_INST = 693566877
              FPU_INST = 131085992
             DUAL_INST = 93602858   (71% rate)
             E1_STALLS = 31768387   (2.5x vs improved)
             RA_STALLS = 322216105  (6.8x vs improved)
       EXT_LOAD_STALLS = 14099244

The number of flops are pretty close though so it can't be far off. I'm doing a couple of things the C compiler isn't so the number should be a bit lower. Still not sure where all those ext stalls are coming from.

Well the compiler can only improve ...

In total elapsed time terms these are something like 1.8s, 0.88s, and 0.60s from slowest to fastest on a single core. I only have a multi-core driver for the assembly versions. On 1 column of cores best is 201ms vs improved at 157ms. With all 16 cores ... identical at 87ms. But I should really get those bugs fixed and a realistic test case running before getting too carried away with the numbers.

Update: I later posted in more detail about the scheduling. I tracked down some bugs so the numbers changed around a bit but nothing that changes the overall relationships.

Tagged hacking, parallella.
Saturday, 31 August 2013, 04:57

Well, this is going to be challenging ...

After finally licking the algorithm and memory requirements I tried going multi-core on the epiphany ...

Results are ... well affected by the grid network.

I need to do some memory profiling to work out how much i'm hitting memory but even the internal mesh network is being swamped.

If I use a row of the chip (4 cores) as you move closer to core 0 (further away from external ram?) the dma wait overhead grows progressively. Using 4 cores is about 3x faster.

If instead I use a column of the chip, they all seem about equal in dma wait and using 4 cores is closer to 4x faster.

Using all 16 is about the same as only using 4 in a column. Actually using 8 in a 2x4 arrangement is best, but it's only a bit faster than 4. I haven't tried columns other than 0.

But it's not all epiphany's fault ...

VJ is just such a harsh algorithm for cpus in general, and concurrency in particular- no wonder intel choose it for opencv. I haven't tried these new versions on multi-core ARM yet, but I think from memory it generally doesn't scale very well either. Even on a GPU it was incredibly difficult to get any efficiency out of it - whereas other algorithms typically hit 100+X in performance, I could only manage around 10x after considerable effort.

The cascade description is just so bulky and needs to be accessed so often it just keeps blowing out any caches or LDS. Or if you do have a pile of LDS like on CELL, it doesn't work well with SIMD either.

Where to now?

Anyway i'm not sure what to do at this point. First thought was to move the cascade distributed amongst multiple cores on chip, but one will still have high contention on the earlier cascade stages. Which means you need to distribute copies as well, and then it can't all fit. Then again any change could have a large effect on external bandwidth requirements so might be useful (I would need to run the numbers to see if this would help). Perhaps a better idea is to look at trying to increase the work done at each stage by increasing the size of the window - 32x32=144 sub-windows, 64x32=528 which might give the DMA enough time to finish without thrashing the network. But then I wouldn't have sufficient LDS to double buffer. Although as I scan horizontaly in each core I can also greatly reduce the amount of data loaded at each horizonal step and maybe double-buffering isn't so important.

32K ... boy it's just so small for both code and data.

PS as a plus though - just getting multi-core code running was pretty easy.

Update: I ran some simulated numbers with my test case and came up with some pretty good results. Just straight off the bat one can halve bandwidth requirements of both the cascade and window loads and further tuning is possible. A summary is below:

Window Size     Block size      Cascade             Window DMA
                Local   Load    DMA Count   Bytes   DMA Count  Bytes
32x32              4K     4K         5770    23M6        1600    6M5
64x32              4K     4K         2827    11M6         440    3M6 
64x32              8K     4K         2253     9M2         440    3M6
64x32              8K     2K         4251     8M2         440    3M6
64x32              8K     1K         7971     8M2         440    3M6
64x32              2K    0K5        21356    10M9         440    3M6
64x32             10K     1K         6999     7M2         440    3M6
64x32             14K     1K         5353     5M5         440    3M6
64x32              1K     1K        11169     11M         440    3M6

Performance varied a bit but it wasn't by a great amount - which allows one to trade performance for memory requirements. I still haven't tried taking advantage of the common case of window overlap during the window dma.

Interestingly using 3K of memory vs 12K memory as a cache actually improves the bandwidth needs ...? My guess is that it is partly because buffer 0/1 thrash 80%/52% of the time for almost any local block size, and partly because 1K allows less waste on average during early termination (on average 1K5 vs 6K).

When I came to putting this onto the epiphany I didn't have enough room to double buffer the window loads ... but then as i parameterised it and tried with and without i discovered that double-buffering reduced the overall performance anyway. I think it just adds extra congestion to the mesh network and also to the LDS. Because memory is so tight I'm letting the compiler assign all buffers to the LDS right now - so it could potentially be improved.

Whilst parameterising the routine I made a mistake and started reading cascade data from main memory - and spent a couple of hung-over hours hunting down why it was suddenly running 15x slower. Just used the 'src' pointer rather than the 'dst' pointer ... but while chasing it down I added some hardware profiling stuff.

                   CLK = 511522228
             IALU_INST = 320509200
              FPU_INST = 118591312
             DUAL_INST = 73790192
             E1_STALLS = 9737422
             RA_STALLS = 111237528
       EXT_LOAD_STALLS = 1704676

The numbers show the code stil could be improved a bit (a good bit?) - this includes the C routine that calls the ASM and loads in the cascade buffers. Because (64-20) doesn't go very well into (512-64) this is for a routine that misses the edges and does a bit less work (i'm also getting funny answers so there is some other bug too).

I actually don't know where those external load stalls are coming from, there shouldn't be any external memory accesses within the code block in question as far as I know (although could be from e-lib). RA seems a bit high, and dual issue count seems a bit low. Need to look closer at the scheduling I guess.

BTW with these changes the multi-core performance is looking much much better but I need to track that bug down first to make sure it's still doing the same amount of work.

Update 2: Using the hardware profiling I tweaked and re-arranged and I think I have the inner loop down to 27 cycles. The previous version was about 42 by a similar measurement. Assuming no mistakes (its just an untested inner fragmment so far) that's a pretty big boost and just shows how much ignorance can mislead.

Although I tried to leave enough time between flops I forgot to account for the dual-issue capability. This makes a very big difference (i.e. up to 2x = 8) to how many instructions you need to fit in to avoid stalls.

The optimisation technique was to overlay/interleave/pipeline two loops which gives enough scheduling delay to avoid all extra stalls and enough instruction mix to dual-issue every possible dual-issue instruction (flops). Actually the very final stage of the calculation is currently part of the 3rd loop (although i hope to change that). So while it is calculating addresses and loads for [t=0], it is also calculating arithmetic at [t=-1] and final result for [t=-2]. Fortunately there are the plenty of registers required to track the interleaved state. This just then needs to be bracketed by the start of the first and the end of the last, and any stalls there are pretty much insignificant. This technique gives you the scheduling oportunities of unrolling loops without the code-size overhead.

(PS but doing it by hand is a royal pita as you have to keep track of multiple concurrent streams in your head. Quite a task even for such a simple loop as this one).

I also looked into a more compact cascade format. If I use bytes and perform the 2d address calculation in-code I can drop the cascade size by over 33%. The address calculation goes up from 4+1 (+ 1 for the ldrd) instructions to 10+0.5 but the smaller data size may make it worth it. Because the window data is fixed in size the address calculation is a simple shift and mask.

This byte format would require only 24 bytes for both 2-region features and 3-region features. The current short-based format requires 32 bytes for 2-region features and 40 bytes for 3-region features (more data is implicit in the 3-region features so needn't be included). Either format is dword aligned so every data load uses dwords.

For assembly left/top/bottom/right is pre-multiplied by 4 for the float data size. The region bounds are then stored thusly:

     uint   (left << 26) | (top << 18) | (bottom << 10) | (right << 2)

left and right are placed in the first/last 8 bits on purpose as both can be extracted with only 1 instruction: either a shift or an add. The middle 2 bytes always need both a shift and a mask and so can implicitly include the required stride multiply for free.

Since the window is fixed in size, the stride multiply can be implicitly calculated as part of the byte-extraction shift - which makes it basically cost-free. So the only extra overhead is summing the partial products.

    left = (val >> 24);                 // nb: no mask or multiply needed
    top = (val >> 16-6) & (0xff << 6);
    bottom = (val >> 8-6) & (0xff << 6);
    right = val & 0xff;               // nb: no multiply needed
    topleft = image[top+left];
    topright = image[top+right];
    bottomleft = image[bottom+left];
    bottomright = image[bottom+right];

This equates to 14 instructions plus a word load.

Because shorts have enough bits the stride multiply can be pre-calculated at compile time and then loaded into the cascade stream. This is what i'm currently using.

     uint (left + top * 64) << 16 | (right + top * 64)
     uint (left + bottom * 64) << 16 | (right + bottom * 64)

And the code to extract becomes

    topleftoff = val0 >> 16;
    toprightoff = val0 & 0xffff;
    bottomleftoff = val1 >> 16;
    bottomrightoff = val1 & 0xffff;
    topleft = image[topleftoff];
    topright = image[toprightoff];
    bottomleft = image[bottomleftoff];
    bottomright = image[bottomrightoff];

This equates to 8 cpu instructions + a dword load.

Unfortunately if one is to write this as C code, the compiler will force a multiply-by-4 to any index to the float array and unless one tries to trick it (using casts) the code will necessarily be 4 instructions longer. Actually it might just perform short loads instead and make a bit of a pigs breakfast of it.

Tagged hacking, parallella.
Friday, 30 August 2013, 04:06

Epiphany bit test

Whilst working on the assembly version of the object detector code I came across the need for a bit test. Unfortunately paralella doesn't have one built in and also unfortunately there is no literal form of the AND instruction which is normally used for such things.

Fortunately however there is still a way to encode a single-bit test it into a single instruction.

CPUs always track the sign bit in the status register and its easy toput any bit there. The only question was how to extract that since there is no Bcc that maps directly to it.

Starting with the LSL instruction and it's flag updates:

  LSL <RD>, <RN>, #IMM5

    RD = RN << <OP2>
    AN = RD[31]
    AV = 0
    AC = 0    (pity AC doesn't follow the last out-shifted bit)
    if (RD[31:0]==0) { AZ=1 } else { AZ=0}

And then looking at the Bcc operation that utilise the negative flag:

  0110 Greater Than (Signed)           BGT     ~AZ & (AV ==AN)
  0111 Greater Than or Equal (Signed)  BGTE    AV == AN
  1000 Less Than (Signed)              BLT     AV !=AN
  1001 Less Than or Equal (Signed)     BLTE    AZ | (AV != AN)

Since AV is always 0 after a shift, this leads to a fairly straightforward pair of tests:

        ;; Test bit X is set
        lsl     r0,r1,#(31-X)
        blt     .bit_is_set
        bgte    .bit_is_not_set

And the same for the MOVcc instruction.

Having this just as efficient as if one had a bit-test instruction is rather more handy than if it wasn't. Bits are such a compact way to represent information it's a way to save memory and anything that saves memory is a big plus on epiphany.

The C compiler just follows the C one uses to implement bit tests:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        return (argc & (1<<5)) ? 6 : 9;
00000000 <_main>:
   0:   2403            mov r1,0x20
   2:   00da            and r0,r0,r1
   4:   00c3            mov r0,0x6
   6:   2123            mov r1,0x9
   8:   0402            moveq r0,r1
   a:   194f 0402       rts

But it can be done literally "one better":

_main:  lsl     r0,r0,#(31-5)
        mov     r0,#6
        mov     r1,#9
        movgte  r0,r1

Update: Actually a better example would be a higher bit. C falls further behind ...

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        return (argc & (1<<21)) ? 6 : 9;
00000000 <_main>:
   0:   200b 0002       mov r1,0x0
   4:   240b 1002       movt r1,0x20
   8:   00da            and r0,r0,r1
   a:   00c3            mov r0,0x6
   c:   2123            mov r1,0x9
   e:   0402            moveq r0,r1
  10:   194f 0402       rts

Also note the code-size expansion from 2 bytes to 10 for the low-register source operand. Although i don't know why the compiler is using the 32-bit form of mov r1,0x0 since the 8 bit form would suffice and it would only need 8 bytes.

For high-registers this would be 4-bytes vs 12.

Tagged code, hacking, parallella.
Friday, 30 August 2013, 03:09

Now this looks better ...

So after "update *" the other night (on a previous post) and saying i was "done" with trying to improve the code; I ended up waking up thinking about it, and spent a good few hours last night trying to implement a new approach.

I didn't think it would improve performance but I was trying to address the problem of generality and memory overhead.

The previous version grouped stages in blocks, but each stage with a given block needed to be complete. So the double-buffer buffers need to accomodate at least the single largest stage - which is over 7k even with the relatively simple cascade and "highly optimised" enncoding format I'm testing with. This together with keeping a few stages in LDS permanently meant it was using upwared of 20k just for the cascade data and wouldn't be able to handle bigger cascade stages without exhausting local memory. It was already extremely tight.

So I thought about how to break the cascade into fixed-size streamable blocks. The only state needed to be kept between blocks is the "stage sum", which needs to accumulate across the entire stage - so it is cheap to implement. Most of the time I spent writing the cascade compiler trying to fit it into a usable format, and then trying to debug the implementation (when it was the compiler which had the bug).

The new version uses tuneable block sizes, where the first block is stored permanently in LDS (to allow time to dma in the next block) and the rest DMAd from shared memory as with the previous implementation. Using 4k blocks (=12K LDS) even attains marginally better performance in the C implementation. Using 2k blocks (only 6k lds) is about equal.

Once I got that working I converted the assembly routine I had over - and it even worked the first time I ran it! Performance is identical to the previous version in this case although the increased generality and reduced memory requirements are a big plus.

I also found a way to avoid the need for dma abort (which as stated, doesn't work reliably and can crash the hardware) - by delaying it's request till part-way through processing the local cascade. Although the asm version is still too fast for it and some cycles are wasted waiting for the DMA channel to be clear.

And as a bonus I incidentally verified the results against another independent implementation which i know works well enough so i'm fairly confident the numbers are now valid too. Because it performs so many calculations even a small error should show up with wildly different results.

Best times on single epu:

    c - 1.79s, dmawait=15MC
  asm - 0.87s, dmawait=31MC
ARM c - 1.00s

I could potentially reduce the image data dma external bandwidth needs by nearly 2/3 ... but i haven't looked at that yet - however it may be important for multi-core.

I'm fairly happy with these numbers, it will be interesting to see how it scales to multiple cores.

PS the assembly language leaf routine 149 instructions in 454 bytes. I used some interesting optimisations of the algorithm and took advantage of the separate float and integer status flags. However there may be room for micro-optimisation by improving the scheduling as todate it was only "by eye and intuition" (i.e educated guesses).

Tagged hacking, parallella.
Sunday, 25 August 2013, 23:54

A bit more vj progress, thoughts on elf loader

I had a chance to fit in a bit more hacking on the parallella over the weekend, although not as much progress as i'd hoped.

I first created an ARM version of the viola-jones (VJ) code to compare; it's still getting different results to a previous implementation but at least it's consistent with the EPU (epiphany core) version. I tried to work out why it isn't the same but I still haven't fathomed it - it can wait.

But at least with a consistent implementation I can do some comparisions. It's only running on a single core in each case, and it's timing just the processing of every 20x20 window on a single-scale 512x512 image (about 230K probes).

   CPU                     Time
   Intel core Duo 2Ghz     0.3s
   Parallella ARM          1.5s
   Parallella EPU          2.8s
   Parallella ARM format 2 1.1s (approx)
   Parallella EPU format 2 2.3s
   Parallella EPU ASM      1.4s

   Parallella ARM C*       1.0s
   Parallella EPU C*       1.8s
   Parallella EPU ASM*     0.9s

Update 3: I finally got the assembly version working and added 3 more timings. These include C versions that have hand-unrolled inner loops aided by the new format. The ARM version doesn't report very reliable timings (paging on first-run i guess), but it's definitely improved. I've tried to optimise the scheduling on the assembly version although there are still enough stalls to add up - but removing those will require more than just reordering of instructions. These new times also includes some tweaks to the arrangement of the cascade chunks, although i can't recall if it made much difference. Still yet to double-buffer the image DMA.

Update *: Tried a bunch more things like fully double buffering, a more C-friendly format for the C versions, and some hacks which probably aren't safe/aren't really working. But as they still "appear" to work i'm including the timings here listed with the *s. But the C implementation is so tight it only just fits into the on-core memory to such an extent it might be difficult to add the scheduling code for multi-core.

It's also pretty much exhausted my interest at this point so i will probably move onto multi-core as well as a more complete and realistic example (although, tomorrow is another day so i might change my mind if inspiration hits).

(BTW this is not representative of the time it takes to detect a face on a 512x512 image on this hardware, as one doesn't normally need to look for 20x20 pixel faces at that resolution and it will typically be scaled down somewhat first, 1x1 pixel centres are usually not needed either).

To be honest I was hoping the EPU would be a bit closer to the ARM because of the similar clock speed, but I think in part it's suffering from a compiler which doesn't optimise quite as well. And the format I'm using benefits from the more capable instruction set on the ARM (bitfield stuff). However, there's still more that can be done so it isn't over yet - i'm not double buffering the image window loads yet for one.

First I started looking at writing an assembly version of the inner-most routine. But I ran into a problem on that - debugging is a royal pain in the arse. Obviously I had bugs, but the only way to "debug" it is to stare at the code looking for the error. And i'm not yet proficient enough at the dialect to be very good at this yet. The only indication of failure is that the code never gets to the mailbox return message. I don't know how to run gdb on the epu cores, and the computer i'm using as a console doesn't have an amd64 GNU/Linux installed (required for the pre-compiled sdk). A few documentation errors were a bit misleading too (post-increment is really post-increment despite the copy-paste job from the indexed LDR page). After paring things down enough and working out the ABI I at least had something which walked the cascade. As I started filling out the guts I thought I may as well tweak the format for better run-time efficiency too.

The EPU is most efficient when performing 64-bit data loads (aligned to 64-bit); but the format I had was all based on 32-bits for space-efficiency. With a little bit of re-arranging I managed to create a 64-bit format which requires less manipulation whilst only adding 4 bytes to each feature - this adds up but I think it will be worth it. It also lets me unroll the inner loop a bit more easily. One thing I noticed is that the 'weights' of the features in the cascade i'm using only fall into 3 categories; 2 combinations for 2-region features: -0.25 + 0.50, -0.25 + 0.75, and 3-region features are always a fixed -0.25 + 0.50 + 0.50. So I don't have to encode the weights individually for each region and can just either hard-code the weights (for the 3-region features), or store a single float value for each feature instead.

Anyway then my sister dropped around, which means a slight hangover this morning ... so seeing if all this tweaking makes any difference will have to wait.

Update: So i did some evening hacking, and finally got the code working on the epu - kept overwriting the stack and other fun stuff which is a pain to track down. And oh boy, make sure you avoid double and that any shorts in a structure are unsigned - othterwise it really hits performance.

So yeah the new cascade format does increase the performance ... but it just widened the gap! Although I gained a pretty decent 30-50% improvement on ARM execution time (actually its hard to tell, timing is very inconsistent on the arm code), it was pretty much insignificant on epiphany, under 2%. Blah.

The total DMA wait time of loading the cascades went up by 30% which suggests it's being limited by external memory bandwidth and not cpu processing. Some of this is good - indicating the cpu code is better and so there's more waiting around - but as the format is a bit fatter that can't help either and it's not like there's any way to fit any other processing in the dead time.

Will have to re-check the dma code to make sure it's double buffering properly, but i'm probably going to have to try another approach. a) Go for size of the data instead, i can get each feature down to 20/24 bytes (2 region features) + 24 bytes (3 region features) vs 32/40 - if i do the address arithmetic in the inner loop (lucky i can do the multplies with shifts), and/or b) see if fiddling with the sizes of the groups helps, and/or c) Distribute the extra bits of the cascade in chunks across multiple epiphany cores so the cascade remains completely on-chip, and/or d) Try a completely different approach such as a pipeline architecture where different cores process different stages.

Update 2: Actually on second thoughts, i don't think it's the dma, it's just not enough cycles to make a big difference (assuming my timing code is right). And even if i limit it to the local stages and don't dma in any cascade chunks it's still taking about 75% of the total time. So although the C compiler seems to be doing an okish job I'm probably better off spending my time in assembler now.

EPU Linking

Based on thoughts on a post on the forums I also had a quick look at how one might write an elf loader for the epu - in a way which makes it more useful than just memcpy. I think it should be possible to create an executable for the epu which allows each core to have custom code, and for each core to be able to resolve locations in other cores. And if the linking is done at run-time it can also re-arrange the code in arbitrary ways - such as to customise a specific work-group topology or even handle differences between 16 or 64-core chips. And I think I can do this without changing any of the tools.

I poked around ld and noticed the -q and -r options which retain the reloc hunks in the linked output. For a test I created a linker script which defines a number of sections each with an origin a megabyte apart - i.e. the spacing of epu cores. This represents the absolute location of each 'virtual' core. Code can be placed on any core using section directives (attributes), and using the -q option the linker outputs both the code and the reloc hunks and so should allow a loader to re-link each core's code to suit any topology ... well in theory.

Before I get anywhere with that I need some doco on the epiphany-specific reloc hunks from the assembler - looks quite straightforward - and finding enough time to look into it.

This might seem a bit weird in terms of GNU/Linux, but i'm familair (although no doubt rather rusty!) with non-pic but relocatable code from my Amiga hacking days. My code back then was assembled to a fixed address, and the OS loader would re-link it to potentially non-contiguous chunks of memory in a global system address space. If it worked then, it should work ok with the parallella too. My only concern is that the GNU linker outputs enough information - using the -r switch (for relocatable code) causes the final link to fail (probably libc/startup related), but the -q switch (which simply retains the reloc hunks) may not be sufficient. It also relies on the fact that any inter-core reference will have to be absolute and thus require a load and a reloc entry of a 32-bit address, but I think that will be the case.

Having a runtime elf loader/relocator allows for some other nifty shit too like thread local storage and so on. Now, if only the epiphany ABI were a bit more sane too! (wrt register conventions)

Tagged hacking, parallella.
Monday, 19 August 2013, 11:08

Well that wasn't very fun

I've been trying to work with the android open accessory protocol over the last few days and i finally got android to android communications working via usb. Most of the examples to be found are either on an embedded platform or via GNU/Linux, and i couldn't find anything about doing the host-side from android.

Bit of a mess though. They somehow managed to make a fairly simple (but still a bit weird) library - libusb - into something less than the sum of it's parts (discordant vs syngergistic?). And then you add to that the complex life-cycle of an android app and things get pretty nasty.

Some pretty weird shit to deal with:

But with all that I did manage to send strings both ways so now the challenge is to sort through the cruft i've ended up with and turn it into something robust and hopefully simple.

In other android news i finally restarted on the ffts-related work and will scale down the initial goals to get something out the door.

Tagged android, hacking.
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