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Michael Zucchi

 B.E. (Comp. Sys. Eng.)

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Thursday, 01 March 2012, 02:51

It's scary joining a free software project?

I started writing a comment on this this post about contributing to free software: and it got so long I thought I'd move it here.

Overall I agree: it is quite scary, but the comment I was writing follows, somewhat expanded.

For the types of people for whom meeting people is difficult, software projects cannot be any different because the same notions apply: you don't really know how someone will react to you and whether you will be accepted or respected. I've been writing free software for about 15 years, and before that I gave away 'freeware' as well, and i'm probably more anxious about contributing to a new project than i've ever been ...

It is also unfortunate you use the term 'open source', because clearly merely having access to the source code makes no representation on whether a project is even interested in contributions. There are many reasons people write software and publish it freely, and for many projects, success or popularity is simply not a concern: the developers don't really care what anyone thinks because they have something they use themselves and the sharing is already an end in itself.

However ignoring the specific terminology used, trying to brush a wide audience with their sole unique characteristic is generally a pointless exercise. e.g. that all Greens voters are smelly hippy vegetarians, conservatives are all gun tot'n 4WD drivers, etc. People with only a few things in common are still very different from each other.

And just because the source is available and has a project page and a mailing list, it doesn't mean the project is interested in contributions from the general public. But clearly Layfield's experience is pretty poor - if a project purports to desire contributors and has a work wanted list, then at the bare minimum civility and politeness should be present. If such a project intends to survive by using external contributions, then it wont live too long.

Some of my experiences:

a) 'my first elisp' code, which turned into a handy script to add java-doc like comments to C functions. I submitted this to emacs, but RMS wanted it integrated into CC mode and a bunch of other stuff which was well beyond the time I wanted to spend on it or the features I needed (and I wasn't particularly interested in the kudos of contributing to a high-profile project). So I just added it to the project repository and my .emacs and left it at that.

(needless to say, I never wrote any elisp subsequently, but that's because I just wasn't interested in lisp as a language and that was the sum-total of the lisp I ever wrote).

b) AROS - these guys were very easy, commit access was easy to get, and then it was pretty much commit what you liked - obviously avoiding stepping on any toes. Even for a project with a lot of politics, there were plenty of small holes to fill.

c) I submitted a patch to mplayer, which was accepted without too much fuss. Just a bit of formatting changes iirc. In hindsight this was smoother than i'd have thought: certainly at the time they gave an abrasive impression of themselves on their web-site.

d) I think the first free software i contributed to was a patch to amanda circa 1995 - amanda is a distributed backup system. It was a horrible patch in hindsight but they accepted it easily. Of course this was back in the day when the internet was only accessible to academics, students, engineers, and sysops and overall was a much nicer place (yes, despite the flame-wars).

e) Working on Evolution. This was a commercial product with a (reasonably) defined direction and design. It was also complex enough and with enough of a user-base that any changes needed a lot of checking to make sure they were going to work technically and be up to scratch in terms of quality. Although the whole team spent quite a bit of effort trying to increase the community involvement: In the end I didn't really like being offered all but the most trivial of patches because it was always much faster just to write the code myself. Or I felt like a real heel telling some young lad that we couldn't use his patch because it didn't fit with the PM driven agenda. The one time we did accept a sizeable patch (and I was on holidays so was overridden), I spent weeks replacing a poor implementation which caused a lot of problems with a decent one. Nobody ever became a long-term contributor so we were left to learn and maintain any patches they gave us as well. I thought the 'bounty' system was an unmitigated disaster and would never consider such an approach again. People who are desperate for the paltry money on offer are probably not the cream to start with, and it is also very unlikely to lead to long term unpaid commitment.

Developers ...

Developer scalability was a huge issue in evolution: with thousands of reported bugs/feature requests and 2-3 coders there's just nowhere to even start making a dent. People wanted stuff we could never deliver (either too costly, unfit for the application, etc), and some people were nasty and insistent arseholes who wouldn't take no for an answer, or wouldn't take any time to try a patch or other work-around suggestions (which obviously took non-trivial effort to suggest). Crash reports were rarely followed up, and without being able to re-create them were basically useless. Not to mention distributions (esp debian) re-packaging the code in ways we only had to guess, and maintaining their own separate patch-sets. Placing bugs into 'wishlist' limbo was just as bad as saying 'wontfix', since they were never going to happen.

This latter point about scalability can't be ignored even for projects which do actively seek contributors. Every contributor comes along with a clean slate and thinks they're the first to be in their position. Yet for developers they might be one of hundreds, and even after giving out the same information only 10 times one gets pretty sick of it. This is actually one reason I find it more difficult to contribute to projects now: I don't want to piss someone off because I couldn't find their FAQ or didn't search the email archives enough, or they're still anal about 'top posting' (I really can't believe anyone still gives a rats-arse about that anymore ...).

Submitters ...

The 'problem' isn't just with the developers either: for example, what is the motivation behind the people submitting the patch? Why should a developer be particularly interested in a patch from someone who is just after the experience of submitting a patch? Or hoping for the fame of having a bit of their code included in a popular application?

I would certainly be much more interested in a patch from an active user who has found a deficiency in their day-to-day active use of the project versus someone who is just looking for something to do or something to add to their CV.

And if you're not a direct or close peer to the developer: the relationship is in quite a different space and now the developer has become a mentor. It takes far more effort and resources to be a mentor and in the vast majority of cases that effort is never returned to the project. The goal of most projects is to provide a solution to a problem, not to train people how to code or interact with a public project. It's quite arrogant and rude to assume that just because it's code and mailing list is available to the public that it gives the public a free reign on developer time ...

Me ...

Now, i'm definitely not interested in authoring applications for the general public. I get paid to work on a research project with a single individual as the sole customer I deal with. And for my free software projects the only ones of worth are only useful for other developers. And even then most of those are just stuff i'm playing with for my own entertainment; it is therefore costing me nothing to share it with the world and i'm more interested in helping people learn than solving their problems (that's not to say I don't get a buzz out of knowing my stuff is used - I check the stats all the time - but it isn't the motivation at all).

I don't think it will happen any time soon (not the least reason being that I'm miles away from building anything useful to the average user): but having a project of mine picked up by a distribution would be quite unappealing.

As for patches, I still submit the odd small patch here and there. But what turns me off is:

Anal retentiveness about specific code style, mailing list etiquette and so on.
I used to do this way way too much in evolution: If the patch was basically ok I should've just taken it and fixed it up to match my preferences and fixed minor errors. Once one has submitter access things are different, but for a random patch it's just not worth the to-fro and agro. Previous to ximian I'd had a pretty unpleasant experience working with an Indian sub-contractor (TATA Infotech) and we were being anal about their (really bad) code because we were paying a lot for it for no reason - so I was a bit thingy with code reviews.

Worrying about 'top posting'? How 90s, get-the-fuck over it.

Using git (or some obscure cms)
I just hate git to start with. And being asked to create a public fork of a project for a one-off small patch is low on my list of `things to do before i die'.

The first patch I ever created I used 'diff -ruN' to create, and that's still a reliable way to do it without having to learn obscure commands for half a dozen popular systems.

Too many pre-requisites.
e.g. joining a mailing list and a bug tracker in which you must create a bug and attach the patch, copyright assignments, and so on. It's ok for a couple of projects or if you become an active long-term participant, but it quickly gets far too unwieldy if you're just submitting a rare patch to some product you use occasionally. Another thing we (totally!) fucked up in evolution.

Obviously for a team project a mailing list (or forum) is pretty much essential, and legalities might require a copyright assignment or other agreement, but the bug systems tend to give me the willies.

Build complexity.
Some projects are just too complex to build or require too many pre-requisites: rubbish like ant, cmake, and all the other weird arsed build systems (jam, bitbake, custom python, rake ...) become insurmountable barriers that stop you even getting started.

I was quite astonished the other day that I even got a cmake based project to compile at all. If it wasn't for netbeans I wouldn't be using ant, and even then it sometimes fucks it up.

Which reminds me ... it's just a personal thing but I detest python in any form. tcl isn't far behind.
Using a project leader's celebrity or the project's popularity to make one feel like it is an absolute privilege to be doing some of their work for free. I don't really encounter this because I'm just not attracted to such projects, but there needs to be some sort of recognition that work is being done for free (assuming it's at an adequate level for the complexity of the patch).

Concluding ...

To respond to the final question of what can be done to improve first impressions, I think i'd just say 'not much'.

Unless your specific goal is to maximise user contributions and popularity amongst potential contributors you're probably not too concerned about what they think. And if you are, you're probably already doing all you need to do.

And importantly beyond some fairly basic civility, there should be absolutely no obligation on you, as a free software developer, to provide any sort of expected level of support or accept patches in any form from anyone whatsoever.

If one wishes to be popular and extra-friendly then all the better for you and your users, but it is certainly no pre-requisite to calling your software free (or the related but somewhat meaningless term 'open source').

Tagged free software, politics.
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