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Michael Zucchi

 B.E. (Comp. Sys. Eng.)

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Wednesday, 02 January 2013, 06:31

NEON yuv + scale

Well I still haven't checked the jjmpeg code in but I did end up playing with NEON yuv conversion yesterday, and a bit more today.

The YUV conversion alone for a 680x480 frame on the beagleboard-xm is about 4.3ms, which is ok enough. However with bi-linear scaling to 1024x600 as well it blows out somewhat to 28ms or so - which is definitely too slow.

Right now it's doing somewhat more work that it needs to - it's scaling two rows each time in X so it can feed into the Y scaling. Perhaps this could be reduced by about half (depending on the scaling going on), which might knock about 10ms off the processing time (asssuming no funny cache interactions going on) which is still too slow to be useful. I'm a bit bored with it now and don't really feel like trying it out just yet.

Maybe the YUV only conversion might still be a win on Android though - if loading an RGB texture (or an RGB 565 one) is significantly faster than the 3x greyscale textures i'm using now. I need to run some benchmarks there to find out how fast each option is, although that will have to wait for another day.

yuv to rgb

The YUV conversion code is fairly straightforward in NEON, although I used 2:6 fixed-point for the scaling factors so I could multiply the 8 bit pixel values directly. I didn't check to see if it introduces too many errors to be practical mind you.

I got the constants and the maths from here.

        @ pre-load constants
        vmov.u8 d28,#90                 @ 1.402 * 64
        vmov.u8 d29,#113                @ 1.772 * 64
        vmov.u8 d30,#22                 @ 0.34414 * 64
        vmov.u8 d31,#46                 @ 0.71414 * 64

The main calculation is calculated using 2.14 fixed-point signed mathematics, with the Y value being pre-scaled before accumulation. For simplification the code assumes YUV444 with a separate format conversion pass if required, and if executed per row should be cheap through L1 cache.

        vld1.u8 { d0, d1 }, [r0]!       @ y is 0-255
        vld1.u8 { d2, d3 }, [r1]!       @ u is to be -128-127
        vld1.u8 { d4, d5 }, [r2]!       @ v is to be -128-127

        vshll.u8        q10,d0,#6       @ y * 64
        vshll.u8        q11,d1,#6

        vsub.s8         q1,q3           @ u -= 128
        vsub.s8         q2,q3           @ v -= 128
        vmull.s8        q12,d29,d2      @ u * 1.772
        vmull.s8        q13,d29,d3

        vmull.s8        q8,d28,d4       @ v * 1.402
        vmull.s8        q9,d28,d5

        vadd.s16        q12,q10         @ y + 1.722 * u
        vadd.s16        q13,q11
        vadd.s16        q8,q10          @ y + 1.402 * v
        vadd.s16        q9,q11

        vmlsl.s8        q10,d30,d2      @ y -= 0.34414 * u
        vmlsl.s8        q11,d30,d3
        vmlsl.s8        q10,d31,d4      @ y -= 0.71414 * v
        vmlsl.s8        q11,d31,d5

And this neatly leaves the 16 RGB result values in order in q8-q13.

They still need to be clamped which is performed in the 2.14 fixed point scale (i.e. 16383 == 1.0):

        vmov.u8         q0,#0
        vmov.u16        q1,#16383

        vmax.s16        q8,q0
        vmax.s16        q9,q0
        vmax.s16        q10,q0
        vmax.s16        q11,q0
        vmax.s16        q12,q0
        vmax.s16        q13,q0
        vmin.s16        q8,q1
        vmin.s16        q9,q1
        vmin.s16        q10,q1
        vmin.s16        q11,q1
        vmin.s16        q12,q1
        vmin.s16        q13,q1

Then the fixed point values need to be scaled and converted back to byte:

        vshrn.i16       d16,q8,#6
        vshrn.i16       d17,q9,#6
        vshrn.i16       d18,q10,#6
        vshrn.i16       d19,q11,#6
        vshrn.i16       d20,q12,#6
        vshrn.i16       d21,q13,#6

And finally re-ordered into 3-byte RGB triplets and written to memory. vst3.u8 does this directly:

        vst3.u8         { d16,d18,d20 },[r3]!
        vst3.u8         { d17,d19,d21 },[r3]!

vst4.u8 could also be used to write out RGBx, or the planes kept separate if that is more useful.

Again, perhaps the 8x8 bit multiply is pushing it in terms of accuracy, although it's a fairly simple matter to use shorts instead. If shorts were used then perhaps the saturating doubling returning high half instructions could be used too, to avoid at least the input and output scaling.

Stop Press

As happens when one is writing this kind of thing I noticed that there is a saturating shift instruction - and as it supports signed input and unsigned output, it looks like it should allow me to remove the clamping code entirely if I read it correctly.

This leads to the following combined clamping and scaling stage:

        vqshrun.s16     d16,q8,#6
        vqshrun.s16     d17,q9,#6
        vqshrun.s16     d18,q10,#6
        vqshrun.s16     d19,q11,#6
        vqshrun.s16     d20,q12,#6
        vqshrun.s16     d21,q13,#6

Which appears to work on my small test case. This drops the test case execution time down to about 3.9ms.

And given that replacing the yuv2rgb step with a memcpy of the same data (all else being equal - i.e. yuv420p to yuv444 conversion) still takes over 3.7ms, that isn't too shabby at all.

RGB 565

An alternative scaling & output stage (after the clamping) could produce RGB 565 directly (I haven't checked this code works yet):

        vshl.i16        q8,#2           @ red in upper 8 bits
        vshl.i16        q9,#2
        vshl.i16        q10,#2          @ green in upper 8 bits
        vshl.i16        q11,#2
        vshl.i16        q12,#2          @ blue in upper 8 bits
        vshl.i16        q13,#2

        vsri.16         q8,q10,#5       @ insert green
        vsri.16         q9,q11,#5
        vsri.16         q8,q12,#11      @ insert blue
        vsri.16         q9,q13,#11

        vst1.u16        { d16,d17,d18,d19 },[r3]!

Tagged android, beagle, hacking, jjmpeg.
NEON YUV vs GPU | jjmpeg android video player work
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