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Michael Zucchi

 B.E. (Comp. Sys. Eng.)

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Tuesday, 24 December 2013, 03:57

genetic algorithm experiments

Last couple of days I was playing with some genetic algorithm code to implement an object detector. This is the first time i've ever played with genetic algorithms so is simply exploration to become aquainted with the technique.

First I started with a local binary pattern histogram feature test based on the paper Genetic Based LBP Feature Extraction and Selection for Facial Recognition, but these were just too slow to evaluate to work out whether I was making any progress or not. It wasn't quite the problem I wanted to solve but I did have the paper and am familiar with the algorithm itself.

So I changed to using a variation of my own 'single-bit-histogram' algorithm which is much faster to evaluate both because the mechanics of it's implementation and the mathematics of the fitness determination. Because it generates a classifier and not a distance measure evaluation of fitness is O(N) rather than O(N^2). Initially my results seemed too good - and they were, a simple sort-order problem meant that a completely zero detector came out as perfect. After fixing that I did still have some promising results but my feature tests were just too small so the discriminative ability wasn't very high.

When I left that for the day I didn't think it was really working that well because the feature tests weren't descriptive enough on their own - only a few single probes. But I was looking at the output a bit wrong - it doesn't need to be 'good', it just needs to have a low false-negative rate. The next morning I tried creating a more complex descriptor based on a 4x4 feature test - and this worked much better.

The GA

After reading a few light tutorials on the subject I basically came up with my own sexual and asexual (i.e. copy with mutate) breeding rules and mucked about with the heurstics a bit. Throwing out years of research no doubt but without some understanding of how it works I wont understand it properly. So they are probably not ideal but they seem to work here.

The basic asexual breeding rule is:

  1. Randomly grow or shrink the number of genes by 1 (within a specific range);
  2. Copy genes, potentially mutating each bit separately;
  3. If the chromosome grew, add a new random gene.

And sexual breeding:

  1. Concatenate all genes of both parents;
  2. Randomly permute the whole set;
  3. Choose a new size which is half the combined gene length +/- 1 (within a specific range);
  4. Truncate to the new size;
  5. Randomly mutate every bit.

Genes are treated 'whole', and it obviously supports different numbers of genes for each individual chromsome. I found that a small number of tests seems to work better than a larger number; at least for the single-pixel classifier. As such i'm focusing at present on fixing the gene count in advance and running multiple tests to see what difference the gene count makes.

I tried a few different fitness tests:

These all result in slightly different classifiers - although the first tends to be the best. Combining a couple by simple concatenation also appears to create a better classifier.

Each generation i discard the worst-N results, and then randomly sexually or asexually reproduce random pairs or individuals to replace them. For simplicity i'm just using uniform randomness rather than basing reproduction rates on fitness. I presume at worst this just reduces the rate of advancement.

I need to read up a bit more on the nomclature and jargon used to describe the behaviour properly but with very small number of genes I tend to end up with poor genetic diversity at least in the top few results (I'm dumping the top 5 every 100 generations). I think my random mutation isn't random enough during breeding - it should always mutate at least some bits rather than applying a low randomisation rate across all of them.

Still, even with these shortcomings and the fact that after a rapid improvement progress slows - it doesn't stall completely. I ran some very long experiments and even after 10 hours I was still getting an occasional improvement.

The Classifier

I need to write up the classifier a bit better than a blog post so I wont go into the detail here. I think it's a novel use of local binary patterns.

But the current 4x4 'gene' consists of:

struct gene4x4 {
  unsigned int x:5;
  unsigned int y:5;
  unsigned int pad:22;
  unsigned int tests[8];

(x,y) is the location of the test, and the 16x16-bit integers stored in the tests array are the parameters. For the descriptive power it seems to have, this quite a compact descriptor. With a chromosome of as little as 2 of these genes i'm starting to get some interesting results, and at 4 genes I think i'm starting to get usable results. That's only 1024 bits; this is something that can easily fit on an epiphany core even with a good few stages.


As with any machine learning algorithm dataset size and quality is another issue, but for now i'm just using what I have which is stuff i've extracted from Color FERET. The training set is the left (from front, i.e. right) eye at 32x16, and the negative training set is random samples from the same faces excluding those very close to the eye. I'm just using the same set to test against at the moment.

I think though that because of the similarity of the eyes and the fact that you can easily tell them apart using simple geometry I will look at combining left and right eye detectors into a simple 'eye detector'. This saves the learning algorithm the hassles of trying to distinguish between left and right eyes as well as non-eye data. If I really needed to distinguish between the two I could train another detector for sub-classification - to be honest, I can't really see why you would need to.


One thing I want to do is translate the algorithm to OpenCL so I can accelerate the generation rate. I already have the classifier written and that can score images insanely fast - so fast that I think I need to write the whole algorithm in OpenCL now, which wasn't my original intention. Being able to run a few hours worth of testing in minutes really accelerates experimentation with the heurstics and other gene variations so it's worth the day or so of effort it needs to get working.

Then I want to investigate whether I can turn these classifiers into a reliable cascade of classifiers - which is a critical step for both runtime and quality performance. My first thoughts are to use the ROC curve to choose a threshold such that some of the false positives are culled (but no false negatives), remove those from the data-set and then train a new classifier; and repeat until one reaches a satisfactory result. A variation may be to also cull at the true-positive end of the classifier if there is a particularly high first-false-positive rank. My gut feeling so far is that because each classifier is not too weak it shouldn't need too many stages to be very strong; but whether this pans out in practice or not is another matter.

Then there are many things to try, from data improvements / different objects, to adding extra dimensions to the input data (e.g. multiple planes different lbp codes which test for different characterestics; somewhat analogous to multiple gabor wavelets). It should also be possible to directly create a multi-stage algorithm soley using GA - which may be worth investigating.

The ultimate aim is a strong classifier which is also computationally efficient (ahem, yeah, kinda holy grail territory here, i'm not ambitious at all). I know already that it can be implemented in ARM NEON assembly language very efficiently - under 1 clock cycle per pixel tested(!). It's also simple enough to put in hardware. I'm just not sure yet whether I can make it strong enough to compare to other algorithms, which is of course the big question.

On a side note it's kind of cool having the computer just work away by itself coming up with a solution given very simple goals. For once. It normally feels like it's the one driving me.

Of course, being xmas, and being on leave, ... I may just drink wine instead! And it's about time i put down another homebrew. And cleaned the house a bit. Time for another #3 all over too.

Tagged hacking, ml, opencl.
parallel batch sorting | e-port revisited
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