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Michael Zucchi

 B.E. (Comp. Sys. Eng.)

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Saturday, 02 May 2015, 14:59

Fixing netbeans' most utterly useless and annoying mis-feature

I finally got sick of hitting escape every time i used code completion to remove the damn tooltip which always shows up - despite having "turned off" tooltips and all the in-line popups i could find to turn off. This is the one that shows a grey box (in my colour scheme - everything is grey) which hovers just above the line your entering and shows a list of stuff I can't read anyway.

So I worked out what the mis-feature was actually called - it's called "show method parameters".

Then I downloaded the netbeans source code (all of it, i used a zip - netbeans-src, not sure if i could've just got the ide module, mercurial looked like it was going to take forever so i didn't bother).

I worked out where the offending bit of snot lived: "editor.completion"

I fixed it:

--- editor.completion/src/org/netbeans/modules/editor/completion/CompletionImpl.java~   2014-11-18 19:07:58.000000000 +1030
+++ editor.completion/src/org/netbeans/modules/editor/completion/CompletionImpl.java    2015-05-02 22:39:20.935817693 +0930
@@ -1271,16 +1271,6 @@
      * May be called from any thread but it will be rescheduled into AWT.
     public void showToolTip() {
-        if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
-            // Re-call this method in AWT if necessary
-            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new ParamRunnable(ParamRunnable.SHOW_TOOL_TIP));
-            return;
-        }
-        if (ensureActiveProviders()) {
-            toolTipCancel();
-            toolTipQuery();
-        }

And then after a few false starts trying to work out how to compile the module, I got it compiled. I put "cluser.config=ide" in nbbuild/user.build.properties and then ran 'ant jar' in the editor.completion directory. I'm not exactly sure what made it work in the end because things sort of failed and then they didn't. It refuses to build on jdk8 (as documented) but i had a jdk7 lying about already. It didn't take very long - i was genuinely impressed.

I found where the generated module went (nbbuild/netbeans/ide/modules/org-netbeans-modules-editor-completion.jar) and then copied that into both the system (/usr/local/netbeans-8.0/ide/modules/) and local (~/.netbeans/8.0/modules) module dir.

And then I started netbeans and checked to see if it took. So far looks ok.

What were they thinking?

It's a pretty strange feature to start with given it's functional overlap with code completion but it's a mystery why it is also turned on automatically every time you do any code completion or parameter lookup.

For starters the code completion window already shows this information - why pop up another less readable tooltip to duplicate it?

The other problem is that it shows the parameter lists for ALL functions of the same name not just the one specified by the current arguments (or even the type of the argument under the cursor). This just makes it a big mess with insufficient local context to make it readable at 'thinking speed'.

And the icing on the cake is that once you've 'done' your completion or parameter lookup task and moved the cursor - it decides it still wants to hang around a bit longer and jumps to the parameters of the function call you're inside of - i.e. if you're in an in-line lambda or a anonymous class definition it will move up to the function call that the lambda or new Thing is a parameter of. i.e. that code you already finished, perhaps months ago.

So ... out comes ESC. And again, and again. Almost EVERY TIME I use code completion. When i'm cutting lots of code this can be up to dozens of times in a given minute. Of course I type ctrl-space to initiate it that often too, but that's something I asked for and not some undecipherable clutter to piss off.

I already have all the popups and tooltips turned off and only call them up explicitly using ctrl-space; it got to the point there was so many little boxes flashing across the screen as i typed it was like standing around while flies keep landing on your face - once or twice is no big deal but constantly it becomes more than just a bit annoying. Swatting flies is a very apt description of using some ide's in their default configs.

That's it, ... for now ...

But given it was so easy to build I may look at another annoying behaviour. The 'show matching parenthesis' function shows the matching parenthesis of any bracket the cursor is merely touching and gives no indication of which side of the bracket the cursor is on. This just makes it harder to work out where the cursor insertion point is when you're otherwise not interested in the matching bracket.

It could just be familiarity (although i only recently turned it on in emacs so it really isn't) or it's lisp implementation but the way emacs works makes it more useful. It will only highlight the matching bracket if the cursor is to the right of a close bracket or sitting on an open bracket (insertion point is to the left). If it's both, it will highlight the opening bracket of a close bracket since that's more useful. emacs uses a block cursor rather than a line which I also find easier to use for fixed-width character editors for a couple of reasons including that it goes hollow instead of vanishing when the window loses focus - which makes it easier to relocate if you're switching between windows on the same screen(s).

Tagged code, java, rants.
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