Reading multi-stream high-depth videos in octave (and matlab)
So I discovered recently that octave and matlab support direct calling out to Java. We had a need to read both multi-stream and high bit-depth videos from them, and using jjmpeg seemed a lot easier than writing some mex shit. The native video format support in matlab is abysmal and it simply has no capability for reading multi-stream videos either.
Anyway, i've just commited some stuff to jjmpeg in contrib/octave. It consists of a simplified multi-stream VideoReader and a small set of octave.m files which ease it's use and make it portable. And a Makefile to compile this using a Java 8 JDK because those tools are so wildly out of date.
Here I am testing my patches for ffmpeg+kinect as discused in some recent posts. This shows the 3 streams recorded by that tool; colour 8-bit mjpeg from camera, infra-red 16-bit raw and depth 16-bit raw losslessly encoded using jpegls.
The .jar file and octave scripts are portable to matlab. Althhough the license means they cannot be distributed, I think.
Since the freenect2 indev patches were not accepted into ffmpeg I will add them and probably the kinect2 indev patches to jjmpeg/contrib as well. At some future point in time.