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 B.E. (Comp. Sys. Eng.)

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Sunday, 02 March 2014, 10:00

on JNI callback reference handling

After the previous post detailing some issues with handling callback reference handling I had another look at it this evening.

First for the clBuildProgram() function I just deleted the global reference in the callback. I tried to identify reference leaks using the netbeans memory profiler but it was a little difficult to interpret the results. For starters running the demo routine in a loop didn't result in loop-number reference leaks as one would expect (or even loop-number of reference creations oddly enough; may be related to hotspot and/or it being a static method) ... anyway I think it should work regardless except in the specific case where OpenCL doesn't actually call the notify callback for whatever reason: it is unclear from the specification if it MUST always call it for example. I'm just going to have to assume if that ever happens the system is in such a state then adding a leak is of no practical importance.

Then took at look at the clCreateContext() issue which seemed a bit trickier. On a hunch I looked up how weak references work from JNI and at first I didn't see anything useful but whilst poking around a tidy solution became apparent.

All I have to do is save the original reference to any notify function in the CLContext on the Java side. This lets Java handle the reference as it normally would and any notify object should automatically have the same lifetime as the reference to CLContext.

From the (rather badly formatted) JNI document:

Weak Global References

Weak global references are a special kind of global reference. Unlike normal global references, a weak global reference allows the underlying Java object to be garbage collected. Weak global references may be used in any situation where global or local references are used. When the garbage collector runs, it frees the underlying object if the object is only referred to by weak references. A weak global reference pointing to a freed object is functionally equivalent to NULL. Programmers can detect whether a weak global reference points to a freed object by using IsSameObject to compare the weak reference against NULL.

Weak global references in JNI are a simplified version of the Java Weak References, available as part of the Java 2 Platform API ( java.lang.ref package and its classes).

Clarification    (added June 2001)

Since garbage collection may occur while native methods are running, objects referred to by weak global references can be freed at any time. While weak global references can be used where global references are used, it is generally inappropriate to do so, as they may become functionally equivalent to NULL without notice.

While IsSameObject can be used to determine whether a weak global reference refers to a freed object, it does not prevent the object from being freed immediately thereafter. Consequently, programmers may not rely on this check to determine whether a weak global reference may used (as a non- NULL reference) in any future JNI function call.

To overcome this inherent limitation, it is recommended that a standard (strong) local or global reference to the same object be acquired using the JNI functions NewLocalRef or NewGlobalRef , and that this strong reference be used to access the intended object. These functions will return NULL if the object has been freed, and otherwise will return a strong reference (which will prevent the object from being freed). The new reference should be explicitly deleted when immediate access to the object is no longer required, allowing the object to be freed.

So all the native callback function has to do is call NewLocalRef() on the passed in handle, and if that is not-null it is still live and can be called; otherwise it can print some warning and continue on it's merry way. The reference can either be saved by creating a different constructor or by adding a wrapper to the native method which does the saving.

If I don't find some short-coming in this implementation then this is a nice clean solution without having to try to create my own mirror of either the opencl or java reference trees - which would be a very undesirable.

For the buildProgram notify I decided to pass a reference to the actual CLProgram rather than create a new instance, not particularly important but a bit tidier. Other than that it just deletes the references and frees the callback block after invoking the notify interface.

For createContext I went with a new constructor mechanism and it only needed some minor changes in the JNI code.

  public class CLContext extends CLObject {

    final CLContextNotify notify;

    CLContext(long p, CLContextNotify notify) {
      this.notify = notify;

And some changes to the JNI init code:

  -  data = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, jnotify);
  +  data = (*env)->NewWeakGlobalRef(env, jnotify);

And JNI callback code:

  +  jnotify = (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, jnotify);
  +  if (!jnotify) {
  +    fprintf(stderr, "cl_context notify called after object death\n");
  +    return;
  +  }

I'm still not sure how i'm going to manage native kernels yet, hopefully it is like CLBuild and just runs once per invocation.

I guess over the next few hacking sessions i'll fill it out a bit and look at dumping the source somewhere. I'm not sure if i'm even going to use it for anything or just use it as a learning exercise.

Tagged code, hacking, java, opencl.
Native kernels too? | OpenCL binding - a bit more tweaking
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